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First-Year Baby Milestones

First-Year Baby Milestones

A baby’s first year of life is a period filled with rapid transformations, adorable firsts, and moments that parents cherish forever. From their first smile to taking their first steps, every milestone is essential to your child’s development. At Monarch Montessori School, we understand that these early stages are critical for fostering both cognitive and emotional growth. Montessori education, with its child-centered philosophy, provides the perfect environment for babies and toddlers to explore, learn, and grow at their own pace, under the watchful eyes of trained educators who support their development with care and attention.

We know that every baby is unique and develops at their own pace. However, there are common milestones that parents often look out for because it feels like magic. Let’s explore a child’s first milestones together. 

The First Three Months: Hello, World!

The first three months of a baby’s life is spent adjusting to the outside world. As a newborn, a baby’s focus is on eating, sleeping, and getting used to the bright world around them. Here are some of the major milestones that can be seen at this age of 1-3 months

  • Smiling: Between 1 and 3 months, your baby will begin to grow socially and emotionally. You will see them smiling when you talk or smile at him or her, calming down when spoken to or picked up, looking at you, and seems happy to be around you. 
  • Reflexes Rule: Newborns have several reflexes, like the rooting reflex (turning their head when their cheek is touched) and the grasp reflex (tightly gripping a finger placed in their palm).
  • Head Movement Begins: Your baby’s neck muscles are weak, so he or she needs full head support. Gradually, your baby will gain strength and lift his or her heads briefly. A baby begins tummy time, spending a lot of time on his or her tummy. 
  • Vision Improvement: At first, babies see best at close range (about 8-12 inches). Their vision gradually improves, and they start tracking moving objects like yourself and will even look at toys for several seconds. 

At Monarch Montessori School, we offer a supportive environment where babies can enjoy safe tummy time with soft mats and age-appropriate toys that engage them in movement and exploration to help them develop these important milestones. Take a look at our programs today. 

Months 4-6: Getting Stronger and More Interactive

From 4-6 months old, a baby’s personality begins. They become more interactive, responding more to familiar faces and voices. 

  • Recognition: Between 4 and 6 months, babies begin to recognize familiar people and begin to look at themselves in the mirror. Here, you will see more cooing and laughing from your baby as he or she develops.
  • Rolling Over: Most babies can roll over from their stomach to their back, and vice versa at this age. This early milestone is a sign of muscle development and coordination. 
  • Sitting with Support: With help, babies can start sitting up, giving them a new perspective on the world. You may see by 6 months that a baby will lean on your hands to support him or herself when sitting. 
  • Reaching and Grasping: Their hand-eye coordination improves, and they start reaching for and grasping objects. That rattle suddenly becomes much more interesting. They will also begin bringing their hands to their mouths. 
  • Language: At 4 months, babies will begin to make noise (cooing) and learn to make more squealing noises to you. 

In a Montessori setting, babies are encouraged to move freely within a safe environment, helping them discover their physical abilities. To learn more about our setting, contact us today at 973-928-3605. 

Months 7-9: On the Move!

By 9 months old, babies are eager to explore their surroundings and get into everything. Mobility is the name of the game here. 

  • Sitting Independently: Their core muscles strengthen, allowing them to sit unsupported for longer periods of time. They are able to sit up by themselves. 
  • Crawling Commences: Some babies start crawling (or scooting, creeping, or bottom-shuffling) during this time. It’s a major step towards independence.
  • Object Permanence: They begin to understand that objects still exist even when they can’t see them. Peek-a-boo has become my favorite game. They will look for a spoon or toy when it is out of sight. 
  • Emotional Growth: Babies will begin expressing a more breath of emotions at this age. They are shy, clingy, or fearful around strangers, show facial expressions like happy, sad, angry, or surprised, and react more when you leave. 

At Monarch Montessori School, our classrooms are designed to encourage not only the physical movements but also social and emotional ones. We use low furniture, soft mats, and plenty of space for babies to explore, promoting both gross and fine motor skills.We use games like peek-a-boo or hiding objects under a cloth to support object permanence and emotional growth in a playful and educational way. 

Schedule a tour today or watch our virtual tour to see what our setting has to offer.

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Months 10-12: Almost a Toddler!

The final months of the first year are a period of rapid development, as babies prepare to transition into toddlerhood.

  • Pulling to Stand: They use furniture or other objects to pull themselves up to a standing position. 
  • Cruising: Holding onto furniture, they start “cruising” – taking sideways steps while holding on.They will begin to take their first steps. 
  • First Words: Many babies say their first words (“mama,” “dada”) around this time, although the exact timing varies from child to child. 
  • Instruction Recognition: By 12 months, babies will begin to understand instruction and copy actions. 
  • Fine motor skills increase and develop in this phase.

The Montessori method encourages independence in both physical and emotional development. At Monarch Montessori School, we carefully prepare the environment to allow babies to practice standing and walking using sturdy furniture and guided support. We also stress the importance of listening to the child and responding to their communication, which promotes further language skills and emotional expression. 

Don’t wait. Enroll your child today at Monarch Montessori School in Little Falls. 

Feeding Milestones: From Milk to Solids

Alongside physical and cognitive development, the first year also brings significant changes in a baby’s diet.

  • Newborn to 6 Months: Breast milk or formula provides all the necessary nutrients.
  • Around 6 Months: Introduction of solid foods typically begins, starting with purees and gradually progressing to more textured foods. It’s a messy but exciting adventure!
  • 9-12 Months: Babies can start feeding themselves finger foods and experimenting with a wider variety of tastes and textures.

Sleep Patterns: A Rollercoaster Ride

A baby’s sleep patterns change dramatically throughout the first year.

  • Newborns: Sleep a lot, but in short bursts, waking frequently to feed.
  • 3-6 Months: Sleep patterns start to become more regular, with longer stretches of sleep at night.
  • 6-12 Months: Many babies start sleeping through the night (although there can be regressions!). Setting up a consistent bedtime routine can help.

The Joy of Interaction: Responding to Your Baby

One of the most rewarding aspects of the first year is the growing interaction between parent and child. The baby shows that he or she is enjoying the interaction and is responding.

  • A baby begins to recognize familiar faces and responds with smiles and gurgles.
  • They start to imitate sounds and gestures, laying the foundation for language development.
  • Playing simple games, like peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake, fosters bonding and cognitive growth.
  • They are starting to show what they like and don’t like.

Celebrating the Small Victories

It’s easy to get caught up in comparing one child’s progress to another, but it’s worth taking a step back. Celebrate all the small victories, and not just the major milestones. Did your little one hold their head up a little longer during tummy time today? That’s fantastic! Did they finally grasp that toy they’ve been reaching for? Amazing!

  • Every coo, every smile, every attempt to roll over is a sign of growth.
  • Document these moments with photos and videos. They grow up so fast!
  • Consider a baby book, even notes on your cell phone, to look back at.

First-Year Baby Milestones

The first year of a baby’s life is a time of rapid development and discovery, and at Monarch Montessori School, we are proud to be part of this incredible journey. By providing an environment that fosters exploration, independence, and emotional security, we help babies reach their developmental milestones with confidence and joy. As your baby grows, we are here to nurture and guide them every step of the way—ensuring they thrive in a community that values their individuality and potential.

Come see us today at 2 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Little Falls, NJ 07424.

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